Tuesday Moxley: TBD
Tuesday Moxley is a girl who is twelve years old, as
long as she can remember, she has had horrible nightmares of things that end up actually happening. She lives at home
alone with her mother, Megan Moxley, who is hardly there to raise her because she works two jobs to support her daughter and
her drug habit. Her relationship with her mother is described as strained at best. Tuesday was concieved under
circumstances that the mother chooses not to remember, until one day when Tuesday asks to know these things. That moment
was the ice breaker for Tuesday and her mother, and they begin to become a part of each other's lives. At school, Tuesday
has only one friend, a boy named Jason Braddock. Other than Jason, none of the other kids will associate with her because
they think that she causes bad things to happen. The other children fear her because she had a friend about a year prior
to our story, Torrie, whose death she had forseen, and tried to warn her. When Torrie hadn't heeded the warnings that
Tuesday had given her, she went to the slumber party anyway. Tuesday, although invited, was too frightened to attend
the slumber party. That night, a terrible fire broke out in the house, causing Torrie and one other girl to be burned
alive. The other kids avoid her because they believe that Tuesday killed the two children, but nobody could prove it.
The parents of the more popular kids tried to begin a "witch hunt" against Tuesday, but it was broken up by the police.
Tuesday and the other kids live in fear of each other. Tuesday is almost always accompanied by her teddy bear, Winston,
whose name came from the pack of cigarettes that her mother purchased the same time she bought the bear for her. Tuesday
spends most of her time writing, and little of her time doing any real physical activities. She also does drawings,
mostly about the things she has nightmares of. She has seen several councillors or psychologists for her problems, but
nothing seems to help, until an alternative approach is attempted.